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    Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence

    What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? What are Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence in 2018

    What is Artificial Intelligence?

    The concept of the term artificial intelligence is to minimize human workload and to use the computer systems which can be used to perform tasks that would normally require a human.

    These can range from speech recognition and translation in different languages, visual perceptions including decision making.

    Artificial intelligence is frequently applied to the project of developing systems provided with the quality of intellectual processes and characteristics of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experience.

    Primarily, anything can be considered as artificial intelligence (AI) if it involves a program doing something that we would normally think would depend on the intelligence of humans, how this is achieved is not the point but just a fact that it can be done and is a symbol of artificial intelligence.

    There are a lot of digital assistants in the market like Amazon Alexa or Siri that make our lives easier, Google self-driven cycle. In short, Artificial Intelligences strives for Devices Designed to Perform Intelligently.

    But there is always an endless debate going on since the beginning of the idea of artificial intelligence.

    There are several opinions on whether humans are plowing their own graves by creating intelligent machines or they are contributing to projecting human civilization to greater heights with it.

    Artificial intelligence Pros & Cons


    Dealing with everyday tasks

    One massive advantage of artificial intelligence is its potential to complete routine tasks through involved automation that will increase productivity. Ideally, this can even remove “boring” tasks from humans and free them up to be more and more creative.

    Quick conclusions

    Using artificial intelligence alongside cognitive technologies can help make faster decisions and carry out actions quicker with a better outcome.

    Evading errors

    The phrase “human error” was born because humans, naturally, make mistakes from time to time. Computers though, do not make these mistakes – that is, of course, presumptuous that they are programmed properly.

    With artificial intelligence, data could be managed error-free, no matter how large the dataset might be.

    Decrease the cost of training and operation

    Bottomless learning and neural networks algorithms used in AI to gain new things like humans do. Also, this way they eradicate the need to write new code every time.

    Maximum advantage in the medical field

    Artificial intelligence is broadly used in the medical field as well. These machines can give advice to researchers on the side effects of innumerable medicines. AI can also help doctors with long-lasting medical procedures.

    They can be an assistant as well as a trainer. It all depends upon how they are programmed. AI is used in improving patients suffering from depression state and to keep them dynamic.


    Less in Creativity

    AI can get better with tasks if coded to, but it's doubtful as to if this can ever become as good as humans. It cannot work except for what they were programmed for. It could never obtain creativity that humans have.


    Designing artificial intelligence requires huge costs and also consumes time to build, rebuild, and repair.

    Software programs need regular up-gradation to provide the needs of the changing environment and the necessity for the machines to be smarter day by day.

    The robotic repair can reduce time and humans needing to fix it, but that'll cost extra money and resources.

    AI is causing Unsustainability

    Intellectual machines usually have high computing powers backed by an arrangement of several processers.

    These processer chips have infrequent earth materials like Selenium as a major component.

    Besides that, the batteries of such machines run on Lithium, again an uncommon element in earth’s crust and conclusively mining of these materials is damaging our environment at a speedy pace.

    Artificial Intelligence can lead to unemployment

    Replacing humans with machines and technologies can lead to a massive scale of joblessness.

    The fact is that humans cannot work day and night without rest. When a machine can do the work and repetitive jobs of humans without getting tired, why does an employer want to pay the salary to the staff and hire them?

    That’s the reason the preferences of the management have transformed which leads to unemployment problems.

    Artificial Intelligence Future

    There are always two sides of a coin and Artificial Intelligence's future is no different from it, Artificial Intelligence and technology are one side of the life that always interests and surprises all of us with the new concepts, subjects, inventions, products, etc.

    The recent AI news stated a rise in powered machines has undoubtedly relieved our lives in many applications even today.

    But there is a need to strongly highlight creating ethical codes and strategies to ensure that the threats associated with AI are alleviated to the minimum.

    In the end, we have been in this research through the AI characterizations, brief history, and applications of AI in public, applications of AI in the medical field, applications of AI in the military, beliefs of AI, and the three rules of automation.

    This is not the conclusion of AI future (artificial intelligence), there is furthermore to come from it, and who knows what Artificial Intelligence can do for us in the coming future, maybe it will be a whole civilization of machines and robots.

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