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    KnowledgeNile is the one of the emerging technology content marketing organizations. 

    AI and ML in Anti-Money Laundering : Advantages and Challenges
    AI and ML in Anti-Money Laundering When AI is used as part of a company's anti-money laundering programme, it refers to a set of algorithms. These algorithms govern the digital measures to identify money laundering & other crimes. These algorithms evaluate massive quantities of client data. The data includes CDD, sanctions screening, and transaction monitoring inputs. […]
    Virtual Reality in Employee Onboarding and Training: Advantages
    Virtual Reality in Employee Onboarding and Training provides novel, interesting, and entertaining ways to train in secure settings. Individual learners benefit from it, as well as teams training together. Virtual Reality streamlines processes and contributes to a safer and more productive workplace.
    Best Security solutions for Hyperconnectivity and the internet of things(IoT)
    The tech environment is growing at a fast pace and so is the human reliability on data and devices. The use of IoT is only going to grow further. This would present opportunities and data risks. To avoid these data risks and data failures, a good IoT security solution needs to be put in place.
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