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    Home > Blogs > FoodTech

    VR And AR In Food Business: Their Impact and Benefits
    VR and AR in Food Business are going to disrupt the industry. It won't happen right away. But, it will happen soon, with many experts estimating that it will take three to five years before its full impact. Also, many industries are already implementing the technology to boost productivity and better utilize the content. VR […]
    Data Science and Data Analytics: Their Role in Food Delivery Startups
    Introduction to Data Science and Data Analytics Data Science and Data Analytics in Food Delivery are becoming increasingly important. They both deal with Big Data, but in different ways. Data Science is a broad term that encompasses both data analytics and data science. Data Science includes the following areas: Mathematics and Statistics Computer Science Information […]
    Artificial Intelligence Applications In The Food Industry
    What is Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is an area of computer science. It demonstrates or models human intelligence in machines. It is also a process for making machines think intelligently. AI is developed by studying human behavior and thinking processes. It takes note of how people learn, make decisions, and collaborate when solving a problem. […]
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